Hi, I'm Madison.

Cave Creek local, real estate pro, and your go-to for all things home & desert living. Bringing you the best tips on making Cave Creek home! 

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Does this scene look familiar to you?

If you live in Cave Creek, you’ve likely had a run-in with one of the desert’s most determined (and slightly adorable) pests—the Javelina.

For anyone reading this and thinking, “Wait, what is that thing?”—let me introduce you to your new neighbor.

Javelina are kind of like wild boars, but technically, they’re peccaries. (Don’t worry, I had to look that up too!) You can find more details on them here, but I’ll keep it simple—they’re desert creatures that love nothing more than raiding your yard for a snack.

So, why are they such a pain? Well, if you’re already living in Cave Creek, you know exactly what I’m talking about. If you’re new to the area, you’re about to learn.

These little guys will munch on just about anything. And by anything, I mean your plants. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve replaced my favorite desert plants after these guys went to town on them.

And it’s not just the plants—they’ll knock over pots, destroy landscape lights, and just generally wreak havoc in their search for food. Ugh.

So here’s the big question: Are there any plants that Javelina just won’t touch?

After years of trial and error—and many dollars spent replacing plants—I think I’ve finally cracked the code thanks to my garden center friends!

Here’s the javelina hack:

While I was at our local Lowe’s in Cave Creek yesterday, I overheard a conversation between a customer and an employee.

The customer asked, “Which plants won’t the Javelina eat?” and the employee’s answer was simple but brilliant: “Any plants outside the gate—they won’t touch those.”

Wait, what? Yep, it turns out the plants on the sidewalk near the parking lot, the ones sitting right outside the garden center gate—those are your Javelina-proof plants. I don’t know why it never crossed my mind before!

So there’s your simple secret to keeping your yard safe: Look for plants outside the gate that are at Javelina chomping height. These are your best bets for plants that will stand tall, no matter how hungry the Javelina get (at least until it’s their last resort).

Fellow Cave Creek residents—have you discovered any other Javelina-proof plants that are thriving in your yard? I’d love to hear your tips and tricks in the comments below!

Main Photo by Dulcey Lima

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